Incorporated under the Societies Act of British Columbia in 1975, the AHOABC was formed by a dozen or so Austin-Healey enthusiasts in the Greater Vancouver area. The club now has about 100 members and is an active participant in the network of Austin-Healey clubs around the world.
The club's purpose is "to promote the preservation and enjoyment of Austin-Healeys in the manner for which they were intended". Members take great pleasure in the fellowship they enjoy with other fans of the marque, and in their associations with members of other clubs around the world.
Members and clubs alike exchange information on available parts and services, and on restoration activities. As the last Austin-Healey, a British Racing Green 3000 Mark III destined for North America, left the production lines at Abingdon, England, in December 1967, the vast majority of Healeys on the road today have undergone some form of restoration. Sharing technical information with other owners is a valuable benefit to club members.
AHOABC activities are, with the exception of the popular annual Christmas party, summer-oriented, as most members put their Healeys in storage for the wet winter months. Club activities are, naturally, road or track related, including weekend tours to Vancouver Island, Washington state, or the B.C. interior, local "fun rallies" around the Lower B.C. mainland, and vintage racing events at venues from Vancouver to Riverside, California.
Membership in the Austin-Healey Owners Association of B.C. is open to owners of all Healey automobiles and those who are interested in the cars and club events.
A membership application or annual renewal can be completed on line. (Please see the Membership page). Should you wish to mail in the form, there are two options available. You may complete the mail in form on line, print it, and mail it. You may print the uncompleted form and complete it by hand and mail it. In both cases you have two payment options. You may enclose a cheque with your form or fill in the credit card information.
Annual Dues: $40.00 per year
All members receive an online subscription to WINGS.
For more information, contact Membership Chairman Chris Poole, at:
Mailing Address
Austin Healey Owners Association of British Columbia
#602 - 1641 Lonsdale Ave.
North Vancouver, B.C.,
Canada, V7M 2J5