Rendezvous Meeting Nov 5/2023

Present -  Harold, Andy, Don, Brian
Zoom   -  Phil, Glen, Lawrence and Kathy, Geoff

Insurance. - Don will speak to the agent to determine what coverage we have. Lawrence had a copy of the policy and read of what we currently have.

Operating Budget  -
Harold explained that the budget that was originally drawn up is still applicable. Our break even is 49 registrations. (We currently have 33 with very few local members registered yet). Some items are fixed, and some are flexible - determined by numbers.

Car Show location   Still don’t have a location. Having the car show at the hotel was brought up, utilizing the upper open air parking lot. This lot would not begin to accommodate all the cars. The winery still seems to be the best alternative. This location has been booked. The winery people are asking nothing for use of their grounds. Its distance is still a negative point.
** Nov 6 - Geoff advised he will be contacting District of Sooke to see of the possibility of using one of the Parks or the rec centre parking lot.

Tours  - None of the automotive related suggestions are panning out. Th locations are busy during the day and parking is a problem.

Auction and/or raffle.  Pretty well decided on a raffle for the larger items and auction (silent/live) for smaller items. Will eventually need tickets for the raffle. Will need different tickets for each major item. To be addressed closer to event date when items are determined. Glen has agreed to look after this function.
Regalia - Adrian will have regalia items for creating the webpage for items this week The regalia page will be included in the Rendezvous Section. All goods will be by pre order. Length of delivery not known yet.

Tech Session -  The question where we would hold it arose. The upper parking lot or  the circular driveway below the hotel were discussed. Don will contact the Harbours Master with a request to use the parking area on the circular road for the Mobile Tech session. Who will conduct it? Brian to contact Steve Day to see if he will be able to do it.
** Late Nov 5. Steve was contacted and said he would be more than happy to do the Tech session, or a classroom Tech Session if we wanted. He also advised he could handle the Auctioneer position if we have a live auction.

Registrations - minor glitch in the registration form was pointed out by Andy and has been corrected. Currently we have 33 registrations from California, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon. Washington and BC.
The registration cutoff date was discussed, and it was decided that April 30 would be the final date that registrations would be accepted.
The date of the  registration rate increase was discussed. Apparently, this had been previously decided as Jan. 31st . After that the new rate would go into effect. The online application currently has Dec 31st as the date. This will be corrected.
A refund policy was discussed. Don brought up previous events. This has not been a problem in the past. A full refund for valid reason will be available for refund requests up to April 30th, 2024. After that date, individual requests will be determined by the impact that a cancellation may have on planned events.

Concours  - question of who to notify at Concours when a applicant has indicated they want a Concours judging. Geoff advised that Jim Smalley was the person to notify. At this point an error on our master list showed up where One person had indicated that they wanted Concours but had not paid the $200 charge. Brian advised he will check into it.

** Late Nov 5,  Brian advised the member had been contacted and had checked the box. He advised that we should add the charge to his Credit card. Lawrence advised.

for the meet - have been designed and are currently being made by Brian.

Awards - Adrian not present - no information.

Liability Waiver  - It was decided that a liability waiver would be a good idea. We have never had one at any of the meets we have put on in the past, but it may be a good idea to prepare one and have it signed by participants at the time of registration check in.
Brian advised he has a copy of a waiver that we had prepared but not used in the past. He will find it and send copies to all committee members for their input. Harold suggested that it would be a good idea to have a lawyer review it. It was decided that this would not be necessary.

NEXT MEETING to be Nov 19th at a yet to be determined location.